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Transport to and from school is available for pupils who live more than:-

  • 2 miles away from their catchment Primary School
  • 3 miles away from their catchment Secondary School

Pupils may still be required to walk to a school transport pick up point.  Primary school pupils will not be required to walk more than two miles and secondary pupils will not be required to walk more than three miles from their home to the pick-up point.

Pupils will not be picked up or dropped off at any point other than the designated location without written authorisation from a parent or carer.

Please see for further information on school transport.

Exceptional Requests

Consideration will be given in exceptional circumstances for school transportation where your child attends their catchment school but would not normally be entitled to transport.

Where parents/carers believe that there may be grounds for an exceptional transport request, an application form should be completed and submitted to the Integrated Transport Section.  Applications will then be referred for further assessment as appropriate.

Exceptional transport requests can be made when:-

  • Your child has been recommended on health grounds by a designated medical officer.
  • Your child has requirements based on educational grounds / additional educational needs.
  • Your child has to walk a route which, after an assessment, is considered to be unsafe for children even when accompanied by a responsible adult.

Application forms are available from the school office or you may apply on-line on the Council website at